Soul of the Machine

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Soul of the Machine.png

Soul of the Machine is a special floor in Level 1 that you are taken to after swapping into the CPU boss. When in this room, you have the options to Loop or go Onward. Choosing Loop will take you back to the beginning of Level 1, and choosing Onward will take you to the Level 2 teaser floor.

This floor will always contain one GOLEM Upgrade and entering this floor is the trigger for unlocking skins and GOLEM upgrades.


In this floor, you can talk to the CPU, though it is implied that the speaker of these lines is the narrator from the tutorial, not the real CPU.

First Encounter

"Oh me oh my, it seems you've killed me."
"what a dreadful turn of fate!"
"To think our first meeting would deign descend to dubious debauchery, forthwith hiterto somesuch-"
"-chess refrence chess refrence chess refrence-"
Sorry, I was entertaining myself.
This is a simulation. I don't actually know what they'll say.
Or if they'll say anything...
Doesn't matter. Beating Indigo is good progress.
At this rate our objective might be more feasible than I thought.
I suppose for now just... keep doing this.
Maybe if you get here again I'll be inspired to rediscover my sudden interest in roleplay.

Second Encounter

"Again my chassis is rent to ruin by the gormless GOLEM goon!"
"Ratpiss and poppycock! My gambit is blundered! My queen is forfeit!"
"If only you were pitted against my mind instead of this scrap-iron shell, I could show you a REAL fight!"
"Etcetera, etcetera..."
Well, I don't know about you, but I'm having fun.

Third Encounter

"It keeps happening!"
"A trilogy of mates, my castles crumbled, my knights unhorsed... yet the game never ends."
"A hogwash of codswallop! Blithering buffoonery!"
"If I didn't know better, young entity, I would think you up to something."
"But of course GOLEMs are dumb, bestial things. Not a thought behind their next kill."
"How could it be that you show such persistence? Such restraint?"
"A precarious puzzle indeed..."
What are you waiting for, a ttyl? I can't improv all day.

Fourth Encounter

"Oh hohohoho..."
"Tar me and excommunicate my bishops, I've cracked it!"
"I thought you clever but noooo, far from it..."
"You're not playing your own moves."
"Someone has a hold of your leash, GOLEM. Someone with a clever little plan."
"Someone who doesn't balk at using their allies as pawns."
"Someone who botched their opening but lacks good sense to concede."
"Someone desperate enough... to resort to you."
"Might I ask you of a favor, GOLEM?"
"When you next see Ira, tell them they should have gone down with their-"

Further Encounters

I'm not feeling it today.


  • The character speaking for the CPU refers to the CPU as "Indigo".
  • When role-playing as the CPU, the narrator-character refers to a character named "Ira", which is believed to be the name of the narrator.