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RAM upgrade.png

"Upgrades" are drops that appear of the end of certain encounters in the form of an interactable stick of RAM, as well as in the Shop.

The main upgrade screen from interacting with the stick of RAM will show the player three options that apply only to a specific model of bot, and come in three rarities: Common, Radical, and Breakthrough. The upgrade screen is determined bots first and then upgrades, meaning that unless a bot's entire upgrade pool is exhausted, the chances of them appearing are the same 25% chance as the other bots. There is a 1/16th chance that all 3 upgrades will be the same bot.

The upgrade selection menu, with one of each tier of upgrade.


  • Common.png Common (CMMN): 67% chance of appearing
  • Radical.png Radical (RDKL): 22% chance of appearing
  • Breakthrough.png Breakthrough (BRKTH): 11% chance of appearing

Common Upgrades

Common.png Common Upgrades Common.png
Icon Name Effects Description Max Stack Bot
Ammo conservation.png
Ammo Conservation +1 pellet, -10% pellet speed Shame how 4 pellets normally just roll out of the breech... 4 Steeltoe icon.png
Impulse chamber.png
Impulse Chamber +10% pellet damage, +15% pellet speed (Just push the gun forward.) 4 Steeltoe icon.png
Recoil compensation.png
Recoil Compensation -30% pellet spread (+30% shotgun realism) 3 Steeltoe icon.png
Bass boost.png
Bass-Boost +25% melee AOE Hit'em where it Hz. 4 Steeltoe icon.png
Digitigrade optimization.png
Digitigrade Optimization +15% movement speed Put those steel toes to use. 10 Steeltoe icon.png
Weakpoint database.png
Weakpoint Database +30% charged attack damage Percussive maintenance. 10 Deadlift icon.png
Precompressed hydraulics.png
Precompressed Hydraulics +10% punch knockback Get pumped. 10 Deadlift icon.png
Upgeared winch.png
Up-Geared Winch +30% grapple strength Throw a wrench in someone's plans. 3 Deadlift icon.png
Cable management.png
Cable Management Launch and recall grapple 50% faster. It's a winch, not a spaghetti roller. 2 Deadlift icon.png
Footwork scheduler.png
Footwork Scheduler Maintain +50% movement speed while charging, Lunge forward when punching Float like an attack helicopter. Sting like an attack helicopter. 2 Deadlift icon.png
Leg day hallucination.png
Leg-Day Hallucination +15% movement speed "I don't REMEMBER skipping anything..." 10 Deadlift icon.png
Express delivery.png
Express Delivery +10% base throw speed, +30% throw recoil Neither shield nor speed nor breadth of space... 10 Router icon.png
Careful packing.png
Careful Packing +10% grenade explosion damage, +20% grenade explosion AOE Fragile :) 5 Router icon.png
Predictive suspension.png
Predictive Suspension +30% acceleration Get a grip. 8 Router icon.png
Voltage ramp bypass.png
Voltage Ramp Bypass +15% movement speed, -10% acceleration Burn rubber. Meet deadlines. 8 Router icon.png
Overpressure +10% flamethrower output, -50% ignition time Premature conflagration. 10 Aphid icon.png
Exhaust feedback.png
Exhaust Feedback +20% flame pressure buildup, +10% heat buildup Turbocharged 10 Aphid icon.png
Laminar outflow.png
Laminar Outflow -20% heat buildup Ask your mechanic about "explosive reflux" today. 10 Aphid icon.png
Overclocked cooling.png
Overclocked Cooling +40% cooling rate Entropy is your Friendtropy. 3 Aphid icon.png
Distended spigot.png
Distended Spigot +30% tar lifetime, +60% tar burn time Probably not reversible... 4 Aphid icon.png
Quadrupedal optimization.png
Quadrupedal Optimization +10% movement speed, +20% traction while firing Rooted like a weed. 5 Aphid icon.png

Radical Upgrades

Radical.png Radical Upgrades Radical.png
Icon Name Effects Description Max Stack Bot
Metronome heartbeat.png
Metronome Heartbeat 66% wider timing window for perfect projectile boost (200 BPM) 1 Steeltoe icon.png
Stacked shells.png
Stacked Shells Reload an additional time., Per reload: +100% pellet quantity, +100% spread, +100% recoil The thinking bot's sawed-off. 3 Steeltoe icon.png
Resonance +1 second melee stun duration ...and his sonic pulse was rich in inductive frequencies. 2 Steeltoe icon.png
Reload coroutine.png
Reload Coroutine -20% reload time, Automatic fire You didn't reload, but your CPU did. 3 Steeltoe icon.png
Ricochet shells.png
Ricochet Shells Bullets bounce once off walls "Bullets don't bounce off walls." - Some Idiot 1 Steeltoe icon.png
Yorikiri Retain full mobility while grappling enemies, Become immune to knockback [precludes: Hassotobi] Immovable object. 1 Deadlift icon.png
Hassotobi Pull yourself toward grappled enemies [precludes: Yorikiri] Unstoppable force. 1 Deadlift icon.png
Self-preservation override.png
Self-Preservation Override Deal velocity-based collision damage to enemies, Collisions also damage you Become the brick. 1 Router icon.png
Bulk delivery.png
Bulk Delivery +1 grenade thrown, -33% grenade impact damage, -25% base throw speed As demand rises, so shall supply. 2 Router icon.png
Flow state.png
Flow State Grenade impact damage increases with consecutive hits BONK..... BONK..... BONK..... 1 Router icon.png
Aerated fuel tanks.png
Aerated Fuel Tanks Increases post-mortem explosion power, Power increases further after 10 seconds in host What could go wrong? 2 Aphid icon.png

Breakthrough Upgrades

Breakthrough.png Breakthrough Upgrades Breakthrough.png
Icon Name Effects Description Max Stack Bot
Induction barrel.png
Induction Barrel Pellets are replaced with piercing flames Molten buckshot. 1 Steeltoe icon.png
Soldering fingers.png
Soldering Fingers Pellets are replaced with a slug that fragments on impact Half shot, half slug, all fragmentation hazard. 1 Steeltoe icon.png
Frayed wires.png
Frayed Wires Continuously stuns grappled enemies, Stuns enemies hit by grappled enemies It's called an "ELECTRO" magnet for a reason. 1 Deadlift icon.png
Whiplash Attacks create a projectile beam Its dangerous to go alone. 1 Deadlift icon.png
Shaped charges.png
Shaped Charges +50% grenade impact damage, Grenades pierce through targets, Grenades no longer explode The shape is "pointy". 1 Router icon.png
Top gear.png
Top Gear +33% movement speed, All gas, no brakes (you cannot stop moving) GAS GAS GAS. 1 Router icon.png
Spin control.png
Spin Control Grenades bounce toward nearby enemies after impact, ( +100% bounciness per stack ) Give it some english. 3 Router icon.png
Internal combustion.png
Internal Combustion +100% flame range, -50% flame spread, +25% flamethrower recoil, +40% heat buildup [precludes: Ultrasonic Nozzle] Handheld rocket engine. 1 Aphid icon.png
Ultrasonic nozzle.png
Ultrasonic Nozzle Flames are replaced with gas clouds that explode after you stop firing [precludes: Internal Combustion] WARNING: Thermobaric blast rated visor mandatory. 1 Aphid icon.png
Alternative coolant.png
Alternative Coolant Instantly vent all heat when not firing.', 'Create a self-damaging explosion based on amount of heat vented. Liquid, conductive, and readily available... 1 Aphid icon.png

GOLEM upgrades

GOLEM upgrade.png

GOLEM upgrades only appear after defeating the Colossal Pounding Unit, and apply to all bots. Once one is acquired, an option appears in the menu to start each run with a GOLEM upgrade.

GOLEM upgrades augment the abilities of the GOLEM Agent, the AI/virus that possesses the hosts you control.

Picking up a GOLEM upgrade stick will provide a choice between 2 universal upgrades that affect all bots.

Defeating the CPU for the first time will unlock the Fear and Habit upgrades, with subsequent defeats each unlocking one new upgrade.

Upgrade rarityGOLEM.png GOLEM Upgrades Upgrade rarityGOLEM.png
Icon Name Effects Description Boss Kills Required
Compulsion +2000% swap regen from Trickshot/Kamizake kills, -75% swap regen from other sources Shoot for the moon, land in the Stars/Sun. 8
Efficiency Hosts explode when swapped out of, -50% post-swap stealth duration Tie up loose Ends/Means. 6
Euphoria Time temporarily slows after swapping Savor/Endure the moment. 2
Fear Restore hosts to 100% health when swapped into [precludes: Hubris] Preserve the Self/Enemy. 1
Habit Variety bonus persists after 1 repeat swap, Variety bonus set to -2.0x after 2 repeat swaps Find your Niche/Rut. 0
Hubris -50% pre-mortem swap cost, Reduce hosts to 25% health when swapped into [precludes: Fear] Plan/Hope for success. 7
Indulgence Immediately after swapping, swap again for 33% cost, -33% swap regen Self Care/Sabotage. 3
Mania 1+ local swap capacity, -66% global swap capacity Free as a Bird/Hailstone. 5
Myopia All upgrade drops match the type of your current host, Fewer rare upgrades Focus/Narrow your mind. 4
Nostalgia Restore the Swap Timer Return to Simpler/Buggier times. 10
Obsession Reformat all installed upgrades into current bot type Ride/Die. 9