Bulk Delivery

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Bulk Delivery is a RAM upgrade.png Radical Upgrade, enhancing the Router icon.png Router's primary fire, Grenade.


  • The amount of grenades per fire Router throws is increased by +1 per stack, while decreasing the total impact damage by 33% and base throw speed by 25%.


  • This upgrade will generally bias your build towards explosion damage rather than impact damage, so generally prioritize Careful packing.png Careful Packing over upgrades such as Flow state.png Flow State.
  • ANTI-SYNERGY Shaped charges.png Shaped Charges will have its impact damage neutered from this upgrade, despite the enhanced ability to hit enemies the amount of impact damage lost on top of investment cost to negate throw speed penalty is not worth it. Try not to take Bulk Delivery with Shaped Charges or vice-versa.
