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Transmission is always the first floor that you will encounter upon starting a run. It features:

  • The transmission tower that you inhabit
  • One of each primary bot type
  • One Upgrade
  • One GOLEM upgrade (if the "Start Run with GOLEM Upgrade" option is enabled)

Your first upgrade of the run will drop from the last enemy killed, and will always give you three choices of upgrades for the bot type you swapped into first.

Transmission tower

The tower you spawn in.

When you start a run you start in the transmission tower. You can swap from this for free into any of the bots on the scene. This replaces the old character select system. You can never swap back into the transmission tower.

As of version 0.4.3a, the hitbox of the tower at the base intercepts Steeltoe bullets and Deadlift grapples. It serves no other purpose.