Environmental Hazards

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As of RAM DEMO v0.4.1, RAM features six primary types of environmental hazards.

Explosive Barrels

Explosive Barrels as seen in Infiltration.

Explosive Barrels are blue barrels placed liberally throughout many of the floors in Level 1, generally placed as an optional tool for utilization by the player rather than dangerous obstacles as the next hazards (Factory being a notable exception).

  • Be careful using Router with barrels nearby, the explosions from your grenades will detonate barrels in one shot and the explosion from the barrel will one-shot Routers.
  • Steeltoe's Resonance Hammer can explode barrels in one hit, launching them towards enemies.
  • Throwing these with Deadlift's grapple launch can lead to a fair heft of points via COLLATERAL.
    • Barrels have enough health to survive one jab, so juggling a barrel once before launching it can lead to even better results.

Tesla Coils

Tesla Double Coils as seen in Generator.

Tesla Coils are an environmental hazard, generally taking the appearance of an electrified wave between two objects. Bumping into a Tesla Coil will deal about 60 damage, enough to heavily damage or kill any bot.

  • Tesla Coils are an effective tool for Deadlift because its grapple launch can easily throw enemies into the coils, often killing them and awarding bonus points.
  • Resonance Hammer can sometimes be used to knock enemy bots into the coils.
  • Tesla Coils will kill Routers in one hit, so be especially careful when playing as Router.

Flame Vents

Flame Vents as seen in Furnace.

Flame Vents are grates on the ground that periodically release flames. These flames will deal continuous damage to any bots that walk on them, similarly to Aphid's Tar. They will not damage Aphids, and will not overheat the player as long as they aren't firing, as the passive cooling Aphid has will not be turned off by flames.

  • Utilizing these is similar to using tar, leading enemies into them as they're about to spout flame can help grant some ACCIDENTAL kills but otherwise they should be carefully maneuvered around in order to prevent being cornered.
  • In difficult arenas such as those in Furnace and Forge, it is recommended to swap to an Aphid if possible, as their flame immunity will make the arena much easier (just be sure not to overheat).

Fitness Jammers

Fitness Jammers as seen in Generator.

Fitness Jammers are hazards that prevent you from gaining any Fitness points, as well as infinitely summoning enemies. Fitness Jammers appear in Ambush and Generator.

  • Fitness Jammers have 200 health and are immovable.
  • Killing a Fitness Jammer will award a base score of 150 Fitness points.
  • Killing enemies while a Jammer is active will display the BLOCKED trickshot, and no points will be gained.
    • The Fitness points from a Jammer will be blocked if another Jammer is active.

Destructible Objects

Boxes and Shelves as seen in Cargo Dock.

Destructible Objects consist of boxes, shelves, desks, and other objects that are placed in various stages. Destructible Objects are destroyed in one hit from any attack, and will block your movement if not destroyed.

  • Flame projectiles, the Whiplash projectile, Shaped Charges, and the clouds from Ultrasonic Nozzle will pass through objects without being destroyed.
    • The gas clouds will not destroy the boxes on contact, but upon detonation.
  • Regular bullets, Soldering Fingers slugs, and molten slugs will be destroyed/detonated on contact.
  • Normal Router Grenades will bounce off of objects and then detonate.
    • Make sure you are careful when playing Router, destructible objects are very obtrusive and will hinder your attacks.
  • Deadlift can launch enemies into destructible objects for collision damage and to farm the LIVE AMMO? style bonus.

Conveyor Belts

A Conveyor Belt as seen in the Deadlift Tutorial.

Conveyor Belts are belts on the ground that move bots in the direction shown. They're used very sparingly, with their only notable uses being various sections of the Deadlift tutorial.

  • Conveyor belts are used in the Deadlift Training stage to teach grapple and juggle mechanics, and they push the player back.
  • In past versions, Factory's final arena had a large conveyor belt with Explosive Barrels.
  • The removed stages Ascent and Assembly also featured conveyor belts as hazards/movement aids.


An example of singular Tesla Coils as seen in Factory.
The old version of Factory's final encounter, featuring conveyor belts and barrels.
Destructible desks and bookshelves in Staff Room.