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The Steeltoe

Repurposing mining equipment for destruction, the Steeltoe is a versatile bot equipped with a Shotgun that can dispense both vicious buckshot and a lethal resonance to any bot impeding on it's presence.

Steeltoe primary.png SHOTGUN BLAST: Mining equipment dubiously repurposed for buckshot, it has a variety of enhancements to burn, shatter, or stack its pellets for destructive purpose.

Steeltoe special.png RESONANCE HAMMER: A hefty sound blast at melee range that deflects bullets and knocks back enemies.

Firing your shotgun during a tight, 3 frame window at the end of the Resonance Hammer's animation will preform a Nail Driver, heavily tightening the spread, increasing the speed, and increasing the damage. Missing this window will instead perform a Scattershot, enhancing the damage but spreading your shots out even further than before. Every pellet of a boosted shot, Nail Driver or Scattershot, will deal 14.85 damage (65% increase).


Tier Name Effects Description Max Stack
Common Ammo conservation.png Ammo Conservation +1 pellet, -10% pellet speed Shame how 4 pellets normally just roll out of the breech... 4
Impulse chamber.png Impulse Chamber +10% pellet damage, +15% pellet speed (Just push the gun forward.) 4
Recoil compensation.png Recoil Compensation -30% pellet spread (+30% shotgun realism) 3
Bass boost.png Bass-Boost +20% melee AOE Hit'em where it Hz. 4
Digitigrade optimization.png Digitigrade Optimization +15% movement speed Put those steel toes to use. 5
Tier Name Effects Description Max Stack
Radical Metronome heartbeat.png Metronome Heartbeat 66% wider timing window for perfect projectile boost (3 frames to 5 frames) (200 BPM) 1
Stacked shells.png Stacked Shells Reload an additional time. Per reload: +100% pellet quantity, +100% spread, +100% recoil The thinking bot's sawed-off. 3
Resonance.png Resonance +1 second melee stun duration ...and his sonic pulse was rich in inductive frequencies. 2
Reload coroutine.png Reload Coroutine -20% reload time, Automatic fire You didn't reload, but your CPU did. 3
Ricochet shells.png Ricochet Shells Bullets bounce once off walls "Bullets don't bounce off walls." - Some Idiot 1
Tier Name Effects Description Max Stack
Breakthrough Induction barrel.png Induction Barrel Pellets are replaced with piercing flames Molten buckshot. 1
Soldering fingers.png Soldering Fingers Pellets are replaced with a slug that fragments on impact Half shot, half slug, all fragmentation hazard. 1


Name Image Description Unlock
Default Default Steeltoe.png "Vanilla is as vanilla does." Allways Unlocked
Marine Marine Steeltoe.png "Waterproof. (Probably)" Complete all of the Tutorials
Induction Induction Steeltoe.png "Turn up the heat." Complete a run getting 100 kills using Steeltoe
Hazard Hazard Steeltoe.png "The hazard is your health." Complete a run using 1 or more difficulty modifiers


Main article: Enemy AI

Diagram of the Steeltoe icon.png Steeltoe AI

Steeltoe icon.png Steeltoes have four unique states.


Not seen in the priority list is Melee, which Steeltoe icon.png Steeltoes cannot currently do.


A Steeltoe locked in the Reposition state, moving across the ideal range line.

Upon entering: The Steeltoe finds a point closer to its ideal range, moving up to 130 units. The new point is within a 180° semicircle, pointing towards the player if the Steeltoe is too far, or pointing away if it is too close. If no such point exits, the Steeltoe transitions to the Navigate to close range state.

While in this state: After two seconds have passed or it has reached its destination, the Steeltoe will enter the Shoot state. If the Steeltoe is an Elite with Reload coroutine.png Reload Coroutine[1], it will ignore this and shoot as soon as it is fully loaded.


Upon entering: The Steeltoe sets a timer for 0.5 - 0.2 x AI level seconds. In practice this will always be 0.5 seconds.

While in this state: The Steeltoe will wait for the timer to expire. Once it expires, it will check whether it is fully loaded and on screen. If it is, it shoots and goes on cooldown for 0.5 - 0.25 x AI level seconds. If it cannot shoot, it immediately choose a different state according to the priority.

Navigate within Range

Upon entering: The Steeltoe checks if the player can be reached. If the player cannot be reached, it will choose a different state according to the priority.

While in this state: The Steeltoe will navigate toward the player, entering the Shoot state if it is on screen by 30 units. The Steeltoe will reconsider their path every second by re-entering the state.


Enemy Steeltoes can be spawned with one or more upgrades, with their skin being determined by the upgrade. These Elites will award extra fitness points when defeated, and will retain their upgrade when swapped into(usually stacking its effect with upgrades already possessed). In the case that an Elite is spawned with multiple of these upgrades, the skin closer to the top of the table will take priority.

Skin Image Upgrade Effects
Induction Induction Steeltoe.png Induction barrel.png Induction Barrel Bullets are converted into piercing flames.
Marine Marine Steeltoe.png Soldering fingers.png Soldering Fingers Bullets are converted into slugs which fragment on impact.
Hazard Hazard Steeltoe.png Stacked shells.png Stacked Shells Steeltoe can reload an additional time to increase the amount of bullets fired.

Note: As of version 0.4.2, enemy Elites can spawn with upgrades other than the three noted in the table. These "stealth" Elites will possess the default skin, and are not intended to spawn normally (i.e. the "Reload coroutine.png Reload Coroutine" Steeltoes in Cargo Dock).


The original sprite for the Steeltoe.
  • The Indev name for Steeltoe was Shotgunbot.
  • The original moveset for Steeltoe lacked a secondary attack.

Concept Art

Steeltoe Sillhouette Concepts.png Final Concept Steeltoe.png Shotgun Bot.png

  1. Actually, it's if the full_auto flag is enabled. As of v0.4.3a, this is enabled for all Steeltoes when you have the Steeltoe Shotgun Full-Auto option enabled.